Below, is an example of autumn planning in Monkey Puzzle Harrow relating it to each age group. Babies used their senses to explore the sensory items relating to Autumn, Tweenies learnt about the autumn colours of trees, Toddler children observed the changes that happen during the Autumn season and Preschool explored the different types of leaves we see in autumn including going for a walk and collected different types of leaves.
Relating to birth to 5 maters/ Expressive arts and design: Creating with materials
Range 4: Notices and becomes interested in the transformative effect of their actions on materials and resources.
Intent: Learning that trees have leaves
Implementation: Branches, autumn paints, paper, palate
Impact: I know that trees come and go on leaves.
Relating to birth to 5 maters/ Expressive arts and design: Creating with materials
Range 4: Notices and becomes interested in the transformative effect of their actions on materials and resources.
Intent: Learning that trees have leaves
Implementation: Branches, autumn paints, paper, palate
Impact: I know that trees come and go on leaves.
Relating to birth to 5 Matters/ Understanding the world: The world
Range 4: Can talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects.
Intent: I can make an acorn
Implementation: Paint, acorn, paper, aprons
Impact: I know what an acorn looks like
Relating to Birth to 5 matters/ Understanding the world: The world
Range 5: Comments and asks questions about aspects of their familiar world such as the place where they live or the natural world.
Intent: I can explore the autumn materials
Implementation: tuff tray, variety of leaves, magnifying, glasses, acorns, pine cones.
Impact: I learnt about the different shapes and styles of leaves.